Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
SOP 1. Selection and Appointment of CEU IERB Members
SOP 2. Designation of CEU IERB Officers
SOP 3. Appointment of Independent Consultants
SOP 6. Management of Initial Submissions
SOP 7. Management of Resubmissions
SOP 8. Review of Progress Report
SOP 10. Management of Protocol Deviation and Violations Report
SOP 11-A. Review of Reportable Negative Events Reports
SOP 11-B. Review of SAE’s and SUSARs
SOP 12. Review of Continuing Review Application
SOP 13. Review of Final Report
SOP 14. Review of Early Termination Reports
SOP 16. Conduct of Site Visits
SOP 17. Preparing for a Meeting
SOP 18. Preparing the Meeting Agenda
SOP 20. Preparation of the Minutes of Meeting
SOP 21. Communication CEU IERB Decisions
SOP 22. Management of Incoming/Outgoing Communications
SOP 23. Management of Active Files (Administrative and Study Files)
SOP 25. Management of Access to Confidential Files
SOP 26. Management of Queries, Notification and Complaints
SOP 27. Writing and Revising SOPs
National Ethical Guidelines for Health and Health Related Research 2017