Research is one of the pillars of the Centro Escolar University. Essential in the research process is the protection of the study participants. As such, the CEU IERB provides key services to address this goal.
One of the main functions of the IERB is to review and monitor all university – based researchers that involve human participants. Therefore, the IERB shall provide the review and monitoring process of student, faculty and non-teaching personnel researchers.
The IERB shall ensure that the UNIVERSITY RESEARCHES adhere to the ethical guidelines of in the use of human participants, These salient ethical values include beneficence, non‐maleficence, personal dignity, and autonomy pertaining to both informed, voluntary, competent decision making and the privacy of personal information (Kapp, 2006).
Most 4 – year degree courses require research or thesis. This outcome develops in the learners an inquisitive mind and critical thinking skills through the scientific process of research. All UR initially reviewed, approved and endorsed by the academic unit shall be submitted to the IERB.
The protocol shall undergo ethical review by the respective panel to which it shall be assigned.
Faculty and non-teaching staff- initiated research shall undergo IERB review upon the endorsement of the mother unit or school of the faculty or personnel. The ethics review of these protocols shall be conducted by the Graduate School/Medicine/Support Staff Panel.
Kapp M. B. (2006). Ethical and legal issues in research involving human subjects: do you want a piece of me?. Journal of clinical pathology, 59(4), 335–339.
1. Registration of Study: To Register your study, send an email to using your
CEU email address. A confirmation of the registration shall be emailed within 24hrs
2. Forms to Complete: Log in to your CEU LEAPS and Click on the IERB Link where all the online
forms are available for you to fill up completely.
3. Where to send Study Documents: Email all the required documents in PDF format to A notification regarding acceptance of IERB application will be emailed within
4. IERB secretariat shall review the submitted documents for completeness. The secretariat
may require printed copies of the complete set of documents.